CMM5 Controller Services

The Services page includes two tabs, CMM5 and GPS. The CMM5 tab shows the current state of each connected Injector in a table format, with the master module occupying the top row and the slave units on successive rows below. The chassis state and the status of each of the four ODU ports are displayed for each Injector. In the example below the Controller is connected to two Injectors, one master and one slave:

Control of the ODU port power and sync states is also possible from this tab.

The GPS tab shows the GPS data received from the cnPulse or UGPS module, and includes the following information:

  • Current UTC time
  • Location expressed as latitude, longitude and altitude. A horizontal accuracy estimate is also displayed
  • The number of GPS satellites visible (Satellites In View) and the number currently being tracked (Satellite Count)
  • The receiver tracking mode (e.g. 2D FIX, 3D FIX)
  • A count of GPS messages received with an invalid CRC field (Invalid Message Count)
  • UGPS receiver information, including the model number, capability (GPS Only or GPS + GLONASS), software version, revision and date.

Note: The Invalid Message Count field is active only when the Verify GPS Message Checksum box is checked in the Time Synchronization configuration section of the System tab.


Identify a Chassis (Blink)

In larger CMM5 configurations with multiple Injectors it is helpful to be able to identify which physical Injector module corresponds to each chassis displayed on the CMM5 Services tab. A chassis indentification function is provided for this purpose. Perform the following steps to identify a chassis:

Note:  The order in which the slave Injectors are shown on the CMM5 screen is determined by the Controller and does not necessarily match the daisy-chain connection sequence.




From the CMM5 tab screen, click the Blink button corresponding to the chassis to be identified.


The green and red LEDs for the four ODU ports on the selected chassis will light for one second, allowing the physical Injector to be identified.

View Chassis Information and Status

The Chassis Information section of the CMM5 tab shows the chassis name, serial number and current firmware version for each Injector connected to the Controller. A chassis letter is also displayed (β€œA” through β€œH”), and is used by the Controller firmware to uniquely identify each physical chassis.

The Chassis Information section of this tab also displays the chassis type (56V or 29V), current temperature, and the status of the sync signal input and the redundant power supply inputs (PS1 and PS2). The sync and power supply status indicators display either β€œOK” ( present) or β€œNP” (not present). The sync, power supply and temperature information is updated automatically every few seconds as the display refreshes.


View ODU Port Status

Status information for each ODU port is shown in table form to the right of the Chassis Information section of the CMM5 tab. The power and sync states are displayed in two color-coded columns, ON with a green background representing the enabled state and OFF with a red background corresponding to the disabled state. If the power for a particular port is disabled then the sync status will be shown with a gray background to indicate the sync state that would be applied if the port was enabled.

Note: When the port power is disabled (β€œOFF”) the sync signal will not be generated even if the sync state is enabled (β€œON”).

The two rightmost columns show the current ODU port voltage and power drain measurements. This information is updated automatically every few seconds as the display refreshes.

Query Chassis and ODU Port Status

The chassis information and ODU port status shown on the CMM5 tab is updated automatically every few seconds. It is also possible to initiate a query manually using the Query and Query All commands. These commands can be useful to ensure that the data displayed is being updated.Perform the following steps to execute a query operation:




To query the status for an individual Injector, click the Query button for the corresponding chassis on the CMM5 tab.


The chassis information and ODU port status information for the selected chassis is updated.

Note: Generally the displayed information is refreshed with minimal delay, but on occasion the Controller may briefly show a message indicating that the command is in progress.


To query the status for all connected Injectors at the same time, click the Query All button.


The chassis information and ODU port status information for all connected Injectors is updated. This process takes a few seconds to complete, during which time the Controller displays a message indicating that the command is in progress.


Modify ODU Port Status

The CMM5 tab is also used to modify the power and sync states of the ODU ports. Perform the following steps to enable or disable power or sync on a given port:




To enable or disable the power to an ODU port, click the center of the Port Status box on the CMM5 tab corresponding to the chosen port. In the example below power is to be disabled on port 3 of the master Injector.

Note: You must click directly on the text within the box in order for the command to take effect.


The Port Status and Sync Status boxes will change to yellow for a few seconds while the command executes. 

Note: Additional commands cannot be run from this screen while the current command is in progress.


Once the command is completed, the Port Status box for the selected port will change to β€œOFF” (red) or β€œON” (green) as applicable. 

Note: A gray background is displayed for the sync status of the disabled port, indicating the sync state that would be in effect if the port power was enabled.


To enable or disable the sync signal to an ODU port, click the center of the Port Status box on the CMM5 tab corresponding to the chosen port. In the example below sync is to be disabled on port 2 of the slave Injector.

 Note: The sync state can only be changed if the power is currently enabled (Port Status is β€œON”) for the selected port. 


The Port Status and Sync Status boxes will change to yellow for a few seconds while the command executes.

Note: Additional commands cannot be run from this screen while the current command is in progress.


Once the command is completed, the Sync Status box for the selected port will change to β€œOFF” (red) or β€œON” (green) as applicable.

Change GPS Measurement Units

By default the altitude and horizontal accuracy measurements on the GPS tab are given in meters. Perform the following steps to change the units:




To change the measurement units used for GPS altitude and horizontal accuracy, select the desired units from the Units pull-down menu at the bottom of the GPS screen. Available selections are Feet or Meters.


After a few seconds the Altitude and Horizontal Accuracy fields will be displayed in the chosen units.


Note: During the transition to the new units the measurement fields may briefly display no data.

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