Distribution SFP+ L3 Fiber Switch?

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This is SUPER exciting.
Can’t wait!

Looking interesting, VRRP and MLAG coming too?

Just seen the switch in the flesh :grinning:

MLAG is coming too!


So middle of the year is 2 months away. Any traction on this ?

Hi Guys, please reach out to your Cambium contact for details, but here’s a high-level status on the EX3024F switch. dual power supplies, 24 SFP+ Fiber aggregation switch. This switch is still targeted for Q2. We will be supporting on day one, all our existing features from our other cnMatrix switches. (single code base) with a couple exceptions. Everything mentioned in the previous post is supported, except for MLAG and VRRP. MLAG is coming in Q4 in our 6.1 release, and VRRP is coming in a later release.