Enterprise Software Release

Release is a maintenance release of Release 6.6.2 with bug fixes.


Fixed issues

Tracking ID Platform Description
FLCN-17307 All In dual stack network deployment, MAC address of the default gateway was flapping between two ports if the user had enabled the multicast-unicast service all feature.
FLCN-17277 All APs fallback to the maximum supported channel width when a higher channel width was applied by cnMaestro configuration.
FLCN-17263 All APs incorrectly reported the gateway information after restarting in a dual stack IP and mesh deployment.
FLCN-15138 All Frequent switching between DHCP and random source IPs in unicast packets lead to repeated host entry updates, which overloaded the AP.
FLCN-13801 All IPv6 router advertisement (RA) leakage issue, when multicast-unicast feature is enabled, is addressed.

For more details regarding fixed issues, known issues, Installation guides, command line reference guide, please refer Documentation / Cambium Networks Support

For antenna patterns, please refer Antenna Patterns / Cambium Networks Support

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