EPMP 1000 Lite Full Capacity AP License

Dear Tesch Support,

I have the following question about the licence of EPMP1000 Lite.

A have found the description at the firmware below:

"ETSI License
Current device allowed to work in ETSI region only. To change the country from Generic ETSI, obtain a Country Code license key.

Full Capacity AP License
Current device is ePMP Lite / Force 110 and limited to support a maximum of 10 SMs. To support a greater number of SMs, obtain a Full Capacity AP license key."

Does it mean that,  that in the case of full licence purchaseing the "10 SM limit" could be cancel and in this case the device turned / transformed into a full capcity (120 SM ) Acces Point?

If it is possible, please send me the ordering information accordin to EU location.

Yes that is correct.

You can contact your reseller/distributor and purchase an ePMP AP Lite to ePMP AP Full capacity upgrade.

And the same llicense can be entered from the Tools - License Management page on the radio.  

Note- Available from software version 2.6.

You can also contact our sales team for the same.

Please find the contact information from the bellow link:



Hardik Patel

Thank you for your answer.

Support_Hardik1 wrote:

You can contact your reseller/distributor and purchase an ePMP AP Lite to ePMP AP Full capacity upgrade.

Hi Cambium. Just re-suggesting that there also needs to be an  2.4Ghz ePMP  AP Lite.

Everyone who thinks so need to look in the Ideas secton and VOTE please. :)


some promotion for licenses?