Could you let me know the cnMatrix model (EX2K, EX1K, or TX2K), the current software version on the switch, and the full file name of the new software version?
Hi Cambium,
Thank you for the follow-up I apologize for the delayed response.
The cnMatrix model is EX2010-P
The software version is : 2.1.2-r1
The file name of the new software version : cnMatrix-EXTX-4.0-r4 \
Just a hint : I am update the switch remotely and the update seems to be working fine until the 90% of the process, but when it is almost 100% it shows me this error
Image Download Failed [ gzip: invalid magic
tar: child returned status 1 tar: error is not recoverable: exiting now
Muhaned Belaid | Wireless Network Engineer | Ozon Al Jaded for Telecom & Technology
Hi Cambium,
Thank you for the follow-up I apologize for the delayed response.
The cnMatrix model is EX2010-P
The software version is : 2.1.2-r1
The file name of the new software version : cnMatrix-EXTX-4.0-r4 \
Just a hint : I am update the switch remotely and the update seems to be working fine until the 90% of the process, but when it is almost 100% it shows me this error
Image Download Failed [ gzip: invalid magic
tar: child returned status 1 tar: error is not recoverable: exiting now
Muhaned Belaid | Wireless Network Engineer | Ozon Al Jaded for Telecom & Technology
Please make sure you are using the proper file for the new software image. The full filename should be cnMatrix.EXTX-4.0-r4.tar.gz. Do not upgrade the switch with the unzip version of the image file.
I recommend to upgrade your switch with the latest software version cnMatrix-EXTX-4.0.1-r2.tar.gz available on Cambium support site.
Hi Simon,
It is the code you post it 5b6dde78495bf0f1c4c0350a6008483c004435b9
please find the file attached to see the MD5 and SHA checksum for the image.
I’m having the “Transfer timed out.” while trying to grab the image from the laptop using TFTP. Is there a way to create a time frame so the transfer is successful?