How do I configure client Web Proxy details in cnPilot, Xirrus and XV/XE series APs

Summary: This article describes how to configure client Web Proxy details for your cnPilot, Xirrus and XV/XE series APs.

Note: This functionality is only available on CaOS 6.4 and upwards for the cnPilot and XV/XE series APs.

cnPilot & XV/XE Series AP’s

  1. SSH in to the AP using a web terminal application such as PuTTy


  2. Enter the following commands, replacing items marked with < >, with values suited to your environment

    management proxy https
    management proxy https host <ip address>
    management proxy https port <port>

    Optionally, you can use Username & Password if it is required by your Web Proxy

    management proxy https username <username>
    management proxy https password <password>

    If you wish to remove the Web Proxy configuration, you can use the no command

    no management proxy https

    Example configuration


  3. Once you have completed the configuration, save the configuration to flash memory using the save command.


Xirrus APs (AOS only)

  1. SSH in to the AP using a web terminal application such as PuTTy or use the console based Xircon


  2. Once logged in, use the following commands, replacing items with < > with values that suit your environment

    https enable
    https host <ip address> port <port> username <username> password <password>

    Alternatively, you can use HTTP

    http enable
    http host <ip address> port <port> username <username> password <password>
