Summary: This article describes how to Mesh two XV/XE series AP’s together in cnMaestro. For the purposes of this article, ensure both AP’s are running CaOS 6.4.1-r5 or greater and are plugged directly into the Switch. For further reading, please review the Enterprise Wi-Fi AP Mesh deployment guidelines.
Login to cnMaestro
Select the WLAN menu icon from the left menu
Click on the New button to create a new WLAN
Set the following options for the Base WLAN
Name of WLAN (not SSID) - I have used Mesh-Base to distinguish the WLAN from the Mesh-Client we are going to use later
SSID - Enabled
SSID - Mesh - This needs to be the same for both the Mesh-Base and Mesh-Client WLANs
Mesh - Select Base for this WLAN
VLAN - 1
Set the SSID Security method, in this case I have used WPA2 PSK
Select 2.4GHz or 5GHz to be used for this Mesh. Both SSIDs will need the same band to be chosen.
Hide SSID Enabled
Save the WLAN configuration
Select the WLAN menu icon again and create a new WLAN
Set the following options for the Client WLAN
Name of WLAN (not SSID) - I have used Mesh-Client to distinguish the WLAN from the Mesh-Base we have already created
SSID - Enabled
SSID - Mesh - This needs to be the same for both the Mesh-Base and Mesh-Client WLANs
Mesh - Select Client for this WLAN
VLAN - 1
Set the SSID Security method, in this case I have used WPA2 PSK. This needs to be exactly the same (including password) as the Mesh Base WLAN we previously created.
Select 2.4GHz or 5GHz to be used for this Mesh. Both SSIDs will need the same band to be chosen.
Save the WLAN configuration
Click on the AP Groups menu icon and select New to create a new AP group
A new page will open, under the Basic page, name the new AP Group “MeshBase”
Scroll down to the WLAN option and click Add WLAN
Select the Mesh-Base WLAN we previously created and click Add
Click the Management menu option and set a new Administrator password for the AP Group
Scroll down and click the Save button to finish creating the MeshBase AP group
Repeat steps 7-12 but this time, name the Group MeshClient and in steps 9 and 10, add the Mesh-Client WLAN group instead of the Mesh-Base WLAN group.
Now we need to add the APs to the appropriate AP Groups. Select the Devices menu option from the left side.
Click the hostname of the AP you wish to use as the Client AP from your list of AP’s
Select the Configuration option along the top and then under Device Configuration - AP Group, select the MeshClient group we created earlier
Scroll down and select Apply Configuration to push the configuration to the Base AP.
To stop a Network loop from occurring once the Mesh has been formed (as both APs are currently plugged in to the Switch), once the MeshClient configuration has successfully applied, unplug the Client AP.
Repeat steps 14-17 for the Base AP, applying the MeshBase AP Group instead of the MeshClient AP Group.
Confirm the configuration has successfully applied to the Base AP. Plug the Client AP into the PoE adapter (with no network cable) and after the Client AP has successfully booted, a Mesh should form.