Looking for assistance creating a Maestro template for ePMP devices on 4.8.1 firmware that switches access back to HTTP only

We are seeking assistance in creating a Maestro template for ePMP devices (both APs and SMs) on 4.8.1 firmware to switch the web access mode from HTTPS/HTTP to just HTTP. I found a link to push the change for 450, noted below, but will this same template work for ePMP?


Thank you!

Hi @MiahSchaller ,
Can you please try with this. It should switch the web access mode from HTTPS/HTTP to just HTTP. FYI, webService value 1- http, 2 - https , 3 - http & https.

    "device_props": {
        "webService": "${webService=1}"

epmp-webService.txt (85 Bytes)


We will try that in the lab, thank you!

Edit: worked as intended!

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