PMP SM link is stuck on https.

I can't seem to find where I might be able to disable https on the dashboard IP link for the SM. We don't have https enabled on the SM so every time we need to access them, we need to manually delete the "s" in the url. A pain to say the least. Is there a setting in package version 2.2.1-r32 to change it back to http?


There is not a way to change it back.

Until this is fixed to dynamically link based on the device's http/https setting, it is possible to update devices to https using the following guide.  This can be done in bulk with a configuration template.

How about just making an option in cnmaestro to use http or https as a global rule rather than doing some hack and screwing up more stuff on our end?
https is only as good as the cert that is installed on the server...

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Hi Sam,

Starting 2.3.0 release , cnMaestro reads from the device the web access mode and tries to launch the device GUI accordingly with http/https. This release is planned tentatively for this month end. 
