I currently have a PtP 820c link and it's been running great for the past year and a half. We are in the engineering stages of installing another link using 820c radios and I noticed that the radios have the primary ethernet connection and additional SFP connections. My question is this: Can the radios be configured in a way that allows for two completely seperate networks to traverse the link?
Data Port 1 on Radio 1 to Data Port 1 on Radio 2
Managment on this interface with IPs on each radio.
Data Port 2 on Radio 1 to Data Port 2 on Radio 2
No IP addresses on interfaces, it just passes all traffic straight through.
Here is the way you shall configure the PTP820C radio.
You will need to create two P2P service:
step 1: Create one Point to Point Ethernet service connect date port 1 to radio port 1, you can also add the inbound management as you have today on such link
Step 2: Create another Point to POint Ethernet service connect data port 2 to radio port 2.
Can you please verify the part numbers to make this work? The tech document indicates I need a licence per port so for one link I would need Qty 4 of N000082L042A? Also the book mentions that Data Port 2 can be either electrical or Optical. What part numbers are required for either type of connection?