XV2-2 - a lot of problems

Duke I really feel your pain I’m currently in the same boat I cannot believe that the newest WiFi on the block doesn’t support Mesh I mean really I’m now currently looking at having to sell old technology to a really good corporate client just because we need to mesh 3 of the 10 points what a joke.

Wayne Pryor.


Mesh is supported in Release 6.4.

Please let me know if you are still facing any issue.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: XV2-2 Mesh

Can anyone please assist? Radios state remains OFF and therefore i cannot do anything with this access point.

Hello All, based on a similiar post by Justin on another thread and just to let people know this issue was resolved. The issue was the AP was seeing LLDP packets from the PoE switch, through the mid-span PoE injector and the switch was advertising very low power allocation via LLDP to the XV AP. This was causing the AP to think it had very little PoE power allocated to it so the AP, in order to prevent itself from going into a PoE power boot loop disables the radios, Bluetooth and USB. Disabling LLDP on the AP resolved this issue. LLDP Request Power (aka LLDP power negotiation) being disabled while LLDP still being enabled also could have been a resolution for this issue.