I keep getting the following error: " Failed: The provided parent mac is mismatching with existing parent mac value"
I have double and triple checked the MAC and serial #s and all has been typed in correctly. I am trying to add a 450 integrated with firmware 16.2.2.
I posted this under PMP so I apologize for double posting as I found this forum after the first post. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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In my experience, this occurs when the SM is already existing in Maestro under a different AP. Easiest way around it is to search the MAC in CBRS tool and delete it from there, then search again under Maestro Inventory and the onboarding queue and remove it from there also. You should be able to re-add the SM at that point.
I had a similar post awhile back:
Looking for confirmation on the procedure/best practice to remove a SM from CBRS and add it back in from a different location/AP.
We are running Maestro on-premise, version 2.4.1-r10 using cnMaestro as HTTP Proxy for our CBRS migration. Our test setup consists of 2 450 APs and 3 450 SMs on 16.2.1 firmware, all in-house. Current instructions for SM removal consist of deleting the CPI data from the SM and rebooting, then Deleting the device from CBRS management tool.
The issue we are facing come…
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(Simon King)
October 21, 2020, 8:38pm
For the benefit of other people who come across this thread in the future, this problem was solved here:
Cambium Tech support helped me with this problem. In case anyone else runs into this issue, I am posting the fix:
My windows laptop died on me so have been using my Mac instead lately. Cnut is not available on Mac OS, so what I did was I connected an SM that was running 16.1 firmware to one of my non CBRS 3.65 AP’s I connected it so I can log into the radio and then onboard it to CnMaestro and then do a firmware update to 16.2.2 which will give me the firmware needed to enable CBRS on that SM. …
Also worth checking…
“Apparently deleting the device from inventory doesn’t remove it from the onboarding queue.”
[CBRS onboarding error message ]