CMM5 Firmware Upgrade

When upgrading firmware on a standalone Master Injector, skip steps (1) and (2) and follow the procedure referenced in step (3).




Upgrade the Controller first by following the Update Controller Firmware procedure below.


Upgrade the Master Injector firmware from the Controller GUI using the Update Master Injector Firmware procedure below.


Upgrade any Slave Injectors that are installed by following the Upgrade Slave/Standalone Injector Firmware procedure below.

Update Controller Firmware

Perform the following steps to update the Controller firmware:




From the System screen, select Backup/Flash Firmware.


In the Flash new firmware image section, click Choose File and select a *.img firmware image file.

Note: If the firmware was supplied in the form of a zip archive, extract the file before attempting to load it. 


Verify that a check mark is present in the “Keep Settings” box to preserve the current configuration, if desired.


Once you have selected an image the file name will be shown next to the Choose File button. Click Flash Image to upload it to the controller. This will take a few seconds to complete.


After the controller uploads the selected image file the Flash Firmware – Verify screen is displayed. Confirm that the filesize and checksum are correct for the selected image and verify the configuration file setting.

Note: The checksum is specified in the downloads section of the Cambium Networks support website.


Click Proceed to initiate the upgrade. The upgrade will take approximately 30 seconds to complete. The controller displays the System – Flashing… screen while the upgrade is in progress.


Do not interrupt power to the controller during the upgrade process.


When the upgrade is complete, log into the controller using the username and password. The new firmware version will be shown in the Overview tab under the Status screen.

Update Master Injector Firmware

Perform the following steps to update Master Injector firmware from the Controller GUI:

Note: This procedure requires that version 1.4 or later firmware is installed on the Controller. When using older firmware the Master Injector must be upgraded via the USB connection using the Slave Injector upgrade procedure.




From the System screen, select Backup/Flash Firmware.


In the Flash new CMM5 Injector firmware image section, click Choose File and select the *.hex file for the release version to be loaded.

Note: Be sure to select the *.hex file as opposed to the *.ttl bootloader macro. If the firmware was supplied in the form of a zip archive, extract the file before attempting to load it.


Once you have selected a *.hex file the file name will be shown next to the Choose File button. Click Upgrade Firmware… to upgrade the Master Injector.



The upgrade process takes approximately 3 to 4 minutes to complete. The Controller will display a message while the upgrade is in progress.


Do not interrupt power to the Controller or the Master Injector during the upgrade process.


When the upgrade is complete the new Master Injector firmware version will be shown on the CMM5 tab under the Services screen.


Note: It may take a few seconds for the Services screen to be updated with the new Master Injector firmware version.

Update Slave/Standalone Injector Firmware

Perform the following steps to update the firmware on the Slave Injectors or on a Standalone Master Injector via the USB connection:

Note: Before executing this procedure the FTD drivers must be installed on the PC that is used to perform the upgrade. The TeraTerm terminal application must also be installed and configured for serial communication with the Injector.




Create a directory on the PC and copy over the firmware (*.hex) and TeraTerm macro (*.ttl) files for the release to be loaded.


Bring up a TeraTerm terminal window and establish communication with the CMM5 serial port.


From the TeraTerm window, run the macro from the Control -> Macro menu.


A file selection dialog box will open. Select the macro that was copied over and run it.


Another dialog box will open, from which the firmware file to be uploaded is selected.


The macro will automatically write the contents of the firmware to the CMM5, which boots on the new image. The previous Injector module configuration is carried over unchanged.


If the upgrade fails, the CMM5 module will display an error message and will come up in the bootloader state. In this case disconnect all cables except the USB connection and rerun the macro.