I bought 4 F300-16's for small Network and can only connect one client

What is the official release date of firmware 4.7 ?

Exact date is yet to be decided, but we look forward to release 4.7 beta sometime in October. With that beta, Force300-16 to act as PMP AP will also be available.

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Surely youā€™re not saying ONLY the 300-16, right? You meant all SMā€™s models - just like all previous ePMP SMā€™s from the beginning of ePMP time, right?

Yes - All Force300 models, not just 300-16.


This means that we are going to miss the non-Snow season, again
Could not an version of 4.6.1 be spun with just this one change? Even if itā€™s just a ā€˜hackā€™ by changing the LIMIT=1 to a LIMIT=12 hard coded change internallyā€¦ Or even if we had to use the command line to turn on PMP TDD mode in a versionā€¦ at least it would let us get going on these projects. If itā€™ beta ā€œsometime in Octoberā€, there will be snow on the ground (and on roofs)ā€¦

Chinmay - this discussion has been ongoing for YEARS now - ever since the PtMP feature was removed from the Force300 SMs. Even this tread in particular was opened Aug 3rd 2021, and itā€™s now Oct 20th 2021ā€¦ over 11 weeks (nearly 3 months).

And today (Oct 20th 2021) there is a new 4.6.2 version of the firmware posted, and sadly, no increase in the hard-coded association limit from 1 to 12 was rolled into this release yet again.

The disdain is palpable.

Hi Todd,

We do remember that we promised to increase SMs limit on Force300s operating in AP TDD PMP mode, and this is already done in the scope of the 4.7 firmware version. The 4.7 Beta will be released in the nearest future.

4.6.2 is an emergency release that covers critical bug fixes for people who are using F130, F180(6GHz), and F300CSMLs devices. We didnā€™t take a risk pushing the increased SM limit into 4.6.2 since it affects a lot of functionality and would delay the release because of testing, bug fixing, etc.

Hope for your understanding.

Thank you.

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Hi @Fedor when can we expect 4.7 to be released? We were previously told it would be in October.

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I originally started this thread and was able to get the system going with a 3000 and a rf elements
I had a bad 300 so I tore it apart and I did like the antenna design with each elements cavity behind itā€¦ really nice looking.
The gui is a bit clunky and complex.
To bad they donā€™t have a simple tab for basic installs.

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Iā€™ve never used the ā€œQuick Startā€ menu option but I assume you checked it out and itā€™s not helpful.

They do have the save/restore config option under Tools / Backup Restore. I have a template set up that I load onto the radios after updating the firmware, it takes like 20secs, that configures pretty much everything like we need it. Itā€™s possible that an installer could take one of the radios with the template on it and install it and have the customer up and running and the only thing he had to change was 1 letter in the SSID .

There are some gotchas using the templets though.

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Hi Fedor,

any news for 4.7 Release ?

Thank you


Firmware 4.7 finally now returns the PtMP TDD feature to the Force 300 SMs.



Hi Majk,

Itā€™s finally available in Beta now.

Thank you.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Force 300 CSM only accepts one client in 4.7 Beta